Friday, August 20, 2010

Pick up that weakness and put it in your pocket

I had mentioned previously that I get my workouts sent to my email address. Each morning at 5a, I can find that day and the next day's workouts at my fingertips. It really is helpful to plan out my day and when the workout will fit in. Generally, I know what days are cycle days and which days are run days, but it's the specific info about the workout that comes in handy. I also forward my workouts to the Wingman so he can see how long we are riding for. Today's workout called for an hour ride and part of the workout said "try to do this on a rolling course." I look at that and logically think that I don't have to ride a rolling course, but try to do it. Well, Wingman would have none of that. He quickly shouted "Yipee, we're going to ride Mill Road." We went back and forth a little about my having to ride the hilly route and of course the tyrant won.

I am such a crappy hill rider, especially the rollers. No matter how many hills I ride, it never seems to get easier. They always seem to kick my ass. So today I made it through the rollers, no easier than any other time, but I kept a phrase in my head "Pick up that weakness and put it in your pocket." I got this from a show called "Two Weeks in Hell" about the selection process for the Army green berets. The very first day they start out with log PT and rolling at 4am. The rule is no spitting or vomiting in the pit area. These guys are pushed to the limits and when they step out of the pit to puke, an officer is standing over them yelling "Pick up that weakness and put it in your pocket!!!"

So today I pushed myself within the scope of my workout and put my weakness in my pocket (FYI - there was no puking on the ride). I will remember that phrase for race day.

This weekend is my last long ride and run before my taper begins. I am looking forward to it. Last year I could see during my taper how much I had improved. My speed was improving as I gave my self the proper recovery time for all the weeks of training I had put in. Last year I was antsy during the taper, but I trusted the plan laid out for me, didn't deviate from it and I saw success in my race. Knowing this, the taper this year should be easier to get through.

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